For various reasons I have lately found myself drawn more and more towards open source software and thinking more about privacy issues.

For quite some time I have also been thinking about moving to a Linux/UNIX OS and a different laptop and computer system all together. This has been for many reasons:

  1. I love my Mac, but it’s software opaqueness makes me doubt
  2. I had a creepy experience during an Apple Support session wherein an Apple support agent could suddently control my Mac remotely. All Macs come with this software installed by default.
  3. Macs are expensive.
  4. MacOs does not run on other hardware
  5. The long term perspective is unclear: new Mac with M Pro Max Apple Silicon processor every year?

I do however love the hardware build quality and Apple as a company does many, many things right I think.

Yet, there is something that is pulling me towareds using an open source and free OS on old hardware that most people deems unusable.

During my search for a new OS home I stared looking for Linuxes and have recently tested out Manjaro (an Arch variant) on an old ThinkPad. I liked it but it did not quite catch me. After more reading and stumbling upon the more detailed issues and inner workings of Linux, I discovered the BSDs.


An essay on FreeBSD vs Linux: BSD For Linux Users :: Intro


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