For various reasons I have lately found myself drawn more and more towards open source software and thinking more about privacy issues.
For quite some time I have also been thinking about moving to a Linux/UNIX OS and a different laptop and computer system all together. This has been for many reasons:
- I love my Mac, but it’s software opaqueness makes me doubt
- I had a creepy experience during an Apple Support session wherein an Apple support agent could suddently control my Mac remotely. All Macs come with this software installed by default.
- Macs are expensive.
- MacOs does not run on other hardware
- The long term perspective is unclear: new Mac with M
Pro Max Apple Silicon processor every year?
I do however love the hardware build quality and Apple as a company does many, many things right I think.
Yet, there is something that is pulling me towareds using an open source and free OS on old hardware that most people deems unusable.
During my search for a new OS home I stared looking for Linuxes and have recently tested out Manjaro (an Arch variant) on an old ThinkPad. I liked it but it did not quite catch me. After more reading and stumbling upon the more detailed issues and inner workings of Linux, I discovered the BSDs.
An essay on FreeBSD vs Linux: BSD For Linux Users :: Intro
- A FreeBSD 11 Desktop How-to »
- How to Install FreeBSD 14 on a 6th Generation Thinkpad |
- FreeBSD on a Laptop